Welcome to Throough My Eyes
Guiding our children through the journey of life to be the best that they can be..
About The Blog
The Story
What is it that fuels each and every one of us in this world? For me, it is Throough My Eyes.
Since I got started as a blogger back in 2013, I have found such a sense of gratitude to be able to pass on my life experiences, parenting skills and teaching knowledge to those who need it.
My blogs cover topics from childhood obesity through to anger management, behaviour and social interaction just to name a few.
Throough My Eyes is for anyone and everyone searching for guidance, support and someone to talk to.
Parenting can be a very lonely and overwhelming time so it is comforting to know there are many of us out there that have felt the same angst and overwhelm at some point in our life.
However, it is not all doom and gloom is it?! Our babies, children, teenagers and young adults all bring us so much joy, love and laughter that we wouldn't trade our roles as parents for all the tea in China.
So sit back and enjoy the extensive range of topics and if you ever need any support reach out to us on our contact us page we are here to help.

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