Hear what our amazing industry leaders, teachers and parents have to say about Throough My Eyes
I have been a colleague of Fiona’s for many years now in an education setting. Even in her early days as a young teacher, Fiona’s passion for helping her students to develop their full potential, was phenomenal. She consistently went beyond the boundaries of the classroom to ensure that her students were made available to every opportunity to achieve their personal and educational goals.
Now as an experienced teacher, educator, scholar and most importantly, parent, Fiona has developed an extensive amount of knowledge and understanding about children and how they can be supported and guided through learning, and behavioural challenges, to enable them to accomplish their visions. Whether it may be helping a child who is experiencing difficulties and anxieties in regard to reading, maths, making friends or developing social skills, Fiona is equipped with numerous suggestions and strategies to help both children, and parents.
Fiona’s ‘Parent Patch’ articles, published in our school Newsletter, several years ago, reflected a transitional change for her and I am thrilled that she is now expanding into the development of her own website. She generously and willingly expounds her knowledge through her, easy to read, and engaging articles with professional, honest and common sense advice.
Ultimately, I am looking forward to reading further articles written by Fiona, as she perceives the holistic and complete wellbeing of children, parents and families as paramount. Something no doubt deep in all our hearts, I’m certain.
Julie McCleod
I’ve had several accreditations to help me do various jobs but for the hardest job in the world there seems to be none. Parenting is rewarding but it’s also very hard. I see my children as most important and I’m responsible for their whole wellbeing. I want to do the best and be the best for them because that’s going to help them be the best when they are adults.
Fiona was recommended to us as a Maths tutor for our 10 year old daughter Amina who was struggling and we felt she needed extra assistance. What Fiona offered us was much more than Maths help. Amina’s competence and confidence has grown a lot since she started her weekly sessions with Fiona. Her frustrations have subsided, she doesn’t get so angry anymore when she can’t solve a problem, instead she ‘has a go’ and is ok if she makes a mistake. This is music to my ears because she’s been a calmer and more confident child. What I’m most grateful for is Fiona’s ‘above and beyond’ approach toward Amina and myself. When discussing with her issues and challenges we were experiencing, she took them on board and made suggestions to Amina and myself - mindfulness is something she introduced and it’s been making a healthy and positive difference to Amina. What does mindfulness have to do with maths? everything! when confidence is low in any subject or area of life and it doesn’t get addressed then no amount of tutoring will help - this is what makes Fiona’s approach unique - she cares, she’s involved, she listens and she considers the whole child!
Natalie Cossar - Director Cultivate Australia
As a dedicated parent of 4, I am very excited to hear that Fiona Is Launching her own website and blog an extension of parenting patch which I first came across in my Sons school newsletter
I found the articles interesting to read and in some cases amusing in relation to relivent topics associated with parenthood and raising children to which I can relate I have 4!!
Fiona has always been so easy to approach and I have called
On her advice on many occasions with issues related to my Eldest son whom Fiona once taught at primary school (she is such an amazing Educator and I am blessed that my son had her as a teacher)
I am looking forward to reading her blog and have already told several friends who are anxiously waiting to follow her also.
Rosanna Russell - Dedicated Parent of 4